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32-Bit Downloads
For 64-Bit systems, click here

XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Installer:    darkmx-1.38-win32-install.exe13.6 MBGPG Signature
Stand-alone:    darkmx-1.38-win32.zip14.5 MBGPG Signature

Supports any platform with GTK-3 libraries available.

Stand-alone:    darkmx-1.38-linux32.tar.gz18.1 MBGPG Signature
RPM Install:    darkmx-1.38-linux32.rpm11.6 MBGPG Signature
DEB Install:    darkmx-1.38-linux32.deb10.7 MBGPG Signature

Release Verification
Our official GPG public key can be used to verify any release.
For details, visit the release verification support page.

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