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Move the tor binary, geoip, geoip6 files to the ./home/darkmx fo

by ASmith on 2022/02/05 11:31:48 PM    
Move the tor binary, geoip, geoip6 files to the ./home/darkmx folder to allow users to easily upgrade and update the DarkMX tor binary.

There has been many apparent attacks on the Tor Network which have required multiple patches and upgrades of the stable and unstable Tor network binary for the past several months. The latest release directly addresses the instability that is now being encountered for end-users obtaining and have stable tor circuits and users connecting through various relay and bridges. The newer Tor network binary also serves to protect the tor servers and users from likely State Sponsored denial of service attacks which have been ongoing this year as well as picking up during last year.

I have watched these issues over time and the tor developers have been very keen on developing upgrades and patches as soon as possible. However the DarkMX developer(s) could move the DarkMX packaged tor binary, geoip, geoip6 files to the /home/.darkmx folder to allow users to more easily upgrade and update the DarkMX tor binary.

Latest tor binary unstable alpha changelog

Latest tor binary source code downloads
by Guest on 2022/02/10 03:55:10 AM    
The developers should provide a visible reminder in the Tor settings what the current version of the tor binary router is being used. The infrequent disconnections and reconnections remind me of several previous tor binarys while the most recent tor builds are specifically patched to combat tor circuit instabilities and attacks.

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