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migrating from windows to linux - problems

by BartS on 2025/01/05 08:10:35 AM    
What little linux skillz I may have once had are rusty now.

I want to convert one of my p2p file serve computers to linux. I have installed Fedora-MATE_Compiz-Live-x86_64-41-1.4.iso which has Mate desktop environment 1.28.2

Then, I downloaded darkmx-1.41-linux64.rpm

I right-clicked on that .rpm file and on the menu that opened, clicked "Open With dnfdragora Package Installer". Another window opens for "Software Management-dnfdragora" but it shows "No Entries" and is entirely grayed out, no active areas to click. The only thing active it the Quit button on bottom right corner if I click on a white space or what appears to be a command entry line at the bottom but can't type in either area.

If I can get darkMX installed, next will be a vpn app, tixati and fopnu. But am at a standstill now, unable to do what should be a simple install.

Any linux gurus to guide me on this?
by Guest on 2025/01/05 03:15:30 PM    
I just tried this on my linux/mate 1.26.2 system and it worked correctly.
I downloaded the file, opened with dnfdragora package installer, put in my user password and then it displayed what it wanted to install (darkmx), I clicked ok and it installed.

sometimes it can take a minute or 2 for the install prompt to come up.
try again and wait a minute
any trouble installing anything else?
by BartS on 2025/01/05 10:29:51 PM    
darkmx was the first app i tried to install. and I waited and waited. not sure about the password thing. what password? where?  for what app?

i was logged in as the admin on linux. is it a root thing? hope not.
by Guest on 2025/01/06 01:28:55 AM    
being admin might be the difference.
dont you have a username/password for linux? not just admin/password.
I run linux with a user account. try that.
when you try to install programs through dnfdragora it asks for the password of the user account.
by BartS on 2025/01/06 04:07:46 AM    
This is a new install... not in use yet.
i *think* I set the root pw.
and then created the first user account which default to admin level I *think*

I haven't created any more normal user accounts yet but will try that.

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