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**** DarkMX v1.41 is Now Available! ****    📌    🔒  

by janet on 2024/08/13 03:48:21 PM    
August 13, 2024


Version 1.41 is now available.  There following changes have been made:

• added rename function to library right-click menu
• added trash/delete function to library right-click menu
• trash/delete from transfers view will now correctly update library
• several fixes to trash/delete logic in transfers view
• added rename function to download file/folder right-click menu
• fixed problems with Linux tray balloon notification clicks being leaked between instances
• fixed rare crash in GTK version notebook/paned/frame controls during window close
• changed default setting for trash/delete to prefer trash on Windows and Linux builds
• fixed several minor problems with Windows version tray double-click handling
• improved double-click debounce algorithm for Android list/tree views
• fixed minor rendering problems in chat message views

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