It would be better to just host files directly on a network/channel.
Sure, as that decouples from user/owner's address. Although network/channel address is also an onion that could be eventually located? Then network/channel has to have a means to hide (not list) owners' addresses to have any positive effect.
Eventually those could be load-balanced but it gets complicated keeping the data synced between instances.
In that case custom syncing schemes between trusted nodes would be a better approach.
Fopnu already does exactly this
Then the obvious way to go would be implementing Fopnu approach within Tor or I2P network. Will that be more efficient than RetroShare?
But if you want immutable content links not associated to a particular user, hashing is...
Can we have a mutable (i.e. editable/updatable/rename-able) content with immutable pointing links not associated with a user?
Like a link, that is a text file containing the following:
{ hash of concatenation of network/channel address with generic (immutable) name of a bundle/collection/sub-tree/file - that is also the name of that link }
{ generic (immutable) name exposed for searches, goes into hash }
{ common size range interval (as described in posts above) and the type of files/media exposed for search, not hashed }
{ local links to files/sub-tree of the collection to share, not hashed }
{ possibly integrity check id }
That with ability to change the network address but then hash changes as well.