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Browsable subdirectory on site for automated updates

by Guest on 2024/01/05 04:30:21 PM    
Please make browsable subdirectory on site for automated updates. Especially for Android app like Obtainium.

Currently https://download.darkmx.app/ gives 403 Forbidden on listing attempt.

Something like https://download.darkmx.app/{dir_browsable_permission_set}/darkmx-{version}-android-arm64.apk will do.
by KH on 2024/01/06 12:49:47 PM    
OK the index should be browsable now on download.darkmx.app.

Thanks for the suggestion.
by Guest on 2024/01/06 03:59:43 PM    
Thanks for the suggestion!
We are welcome! :)

DarkMX Obtainium settings:
URL: https://download.darkmx.app/
Custom apk link filter: 64.apk$
Take first link: On
All others switches in that group Off, otherwise keep defaults.

by Guest on 2024/01/07 08:07:28 PM    
Obtainium for DarkMX:

Disregard above, second try if KH continues to keep the current naming and directory config:

Custom apk link filter (for arm64): ^darkmx\-([.|0-9])+\-android\-arm\-64.apk$

Filter links by link text: On

Sort by only the last segment of the link: On

Apply version extraction regex to entire page: On on old Androids? (need more testing)

Attempt to filter apks by CPU architecture if possible: Off
by Guest on 2024/01/20 02:01:19 PM    
Third try :)

This time specifically for Obtainium v0.16.0-beta & Android 7.0
Note: A rooted Nougat allows Obtainium to perform background checks for updates without notifications and install apps silently via root installation method.

Source URL: darkmx.app
Addititional Options:
Custom APK Link Filter: darkmx-.*-android-arm-64.apk
Filter links by link text: off
Skip sorting: On
Take first link: On
Sort by only the last segment of the link: off
Apply ... to entire page: off
Default pseudo-versioning method: Partial APK Hash
Version string extraction RegEx: -([0-9]+.[0-9]+)-android-arm-64.apk
Match group for version string extraction RegEx: $1
Reconcile version string with version detected from OS: On
Use app versionCode as OS-detected version: off
The rest of relevant switches are also in off position and fields are empty.

When everything went fine, pressing '...' in Obtainium bottom bar will show the title 'DarkMX By darkmx.app' 1.32 Installed/Latest


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